Monday, November 21, 2011

Mr. Ron Pinsenschaum

Mr. Pinsenschaum taught Biology, Chemistry and Bible from 1974 - 1987.


  1. Joanne Grove Schindler '79November 21, 2011 at 3:25 PM

    "I had him as a teacher and we all know what a great experience that was. But I also had the pleasure of working along side him when I came back to DC and worked as the school nurse while he was assistant principal of the high school. The day he died I have to say was probably the darkest day of my life."

  2. Debby Griesheimer Weller '76November 21, 2011 at 3:27 PM

    "Best Teacher and husband and father! Best example of a Christian marriage. I had the privialge of talking to Jan at the reunion this past August. The next day we all were at Salem Avenue, Jan gave Leisha and I some of the notes he had written. What a testimony! It was right up before he passed away. It brought tears to my eyes. He has had a effect on many of us with his awesome Christian walk. I will keep these notes for ever in my Bible."

  3. Karen Muterspaw Rush '79November 21, 2011 at 3:32 PM

    "He was such an inspiration to so many! I am a nurse today because of his impact on my life and how he brought the sciences to life! Miss him. Will see him again someday!!"

  4. "A great baseball coach. My shins will never forgive him for the punishment they received for stealing second base without "the sign". What a great man!"

  5. I had the pleasure of knowing him as a student when he was the vice principle. He was the calm, reasonableness and love of Jesus Christ in the school. His influence is still being felt today.
